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Screenwriting Courses for all levels

We know everyone starts their screenwriting journey with us from different places. Whether you’ve never written a word or you're a staff writer in television looking to get into features, we've got the course for you.

After you enroll in both Mastering Structure and Idea To Outline, you're eligible to join our exclusive community with live classes and workshops.

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Screenwriting For Beginners

A FREE email course covering everything I wish I knew before I started writing screenplays professionally.

Free Email course!

Learn More

Mastering Structure

How to recognize the underlying structure in movies to give you the confidence to develop and write your own.


Idea to Outline

A proven step-by-step process to take even the rawest story idea and turn it into a professional quality screenplay that only YOU can write


The Story and Plot Bundle

Save $150 when you enroll in the Story and Plot Bundle. You get Mastering Structure, Perfecting The Logline, and Idea To Outline for just $447.

These three courses transform your screenwriting and give you tools to last the rest of your career, all for less than one single in-person class.

Perfecting The Logline

Learn to write concise, compelling loglines that get people excited to read your screenplay.


Screenplay Consultation

Comprehensive development notes on a completed screenplay .


One-on-one Coaching

Personal consultations for story ideas, loglines and treatments.


Don't forget your Cheat Sheet.

With clear instructions and simple questions, this Scene-to-Scene Cheat Sheet will make sure each scene in your screenplay is crisp, efficient, and a crucial building block to tell your story.

You'll see improvement in your screenwriting immediately.

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