What others are saying about Story and Plot:
When you enroll in the Story and Plot Bundle, you will also receive the Concept is King ($69) mini-course, which is absolutely free. Originally a Pipeline Writers symposium lecture, the Concept is King mini-course will be re-recorded as a Story and Plot mini-course and will be available in February.
I get it. There is nothing better than one-on-one teaching. It's actually why I created these courses. So I could have more time to teach and develop students' projects.
The format of these courses allows me to focus my teaching time on one-on-one instruction with students who know my system, philosophy, and approach.
After you enroll in the bundle, you will be eligible for Story and Plot Pro, where most of my live teaching is now focused.
You can also choose to work with me directly anytime as a consultant.
This is a crucial point: I want these online classes to be the beginning of our relationship, not the end.
Yep. We're busy.
I had the same concern when I took an online course on... how to create an online course!
One thing I loved about the online course I took, and I wanted to replicate in mine, was how it was broken down into small pieces.
You can watch these lessons a little bit at a time, over a week, a month, or maybe in just one afternoon like one of my old live workshops.
My advice is to schedule it. In whatever configuration works best. The beauty of the asynchronous format is that you choose your own pace.
For my online courses on creating courses, email marketing, and community building, I watched one module a night. I set the time out ahead of time, and it worked great.
And remember, you own the class. Forever. So those small lessons can work like an index later on, too.
Are you struggling with Sequence 3? You look up that lesson and watch it again with new eyes.
Reviewing lessons with more hard-earned knowledge can do wonders.
And you'll get all the updates absolutely free as well.
#4. Is one more screenwriting book or class going to make a difference?
I can't speak to what books or classes you have taken before, but I believe this is the most straightforward breakdown of story structure out there and one of the few step-by-step processes for taking an idea and breaking the story available, let alone taught by an old pro.
These courses empower you to tell the story you're trying to tell, no matter your experience level.
What makes me unique is that I have been writing professionally and teaching for over two decades. I don't just know the material, I know how to teach it.
If you don't LOVE the Story and Plot Bundle, click the button within 30 days, and you'll get a refund instantly.
But I don't think you will. Want to know why?
Because no one ever has.
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